Thursday 16 February 2012

Valentines Day

Valentines Day. I abhorred it for many years, mainly because I never seemed to have a man in my life in February. I still think it's a bit of a Hallmark holiday, but I'm a bit more willing to go with the flow now since it means I get special treats. And it's a great time for handmade everything! Tom and I usually eat in, have something special that we don't get very often, like a butcher bought steak or something and I cheat on desert and buy a cheesecake. This year we mixed it up a bit and got a curry from our favourite takeaway and I made desert.
  We had a long chat about what we wanted, and settled on a Black Forest Gateau. This was a challenge, my mother would confirm that baking has not been my strength like, ever. So a cake like this could be a disaster. I have to admit, I cheated a bit. But I think that's ok, why make life difficult when you can cheat a little, have a nice desert and feel satisfied with what you've achieved.
Homemade Cheats Black Forest Gateau.
  Anyway, I was a bit short on time and energy on Monday, so I went to the store, list in hand, change in my pocket, and as I combed the aisles for what I needed I realised that I didn't have the budget, time or energy to make the chocolate sponge from scratch, so I bought a Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge Cake mix instead. It was fool proof, I couldn't mess it up, and I knew it would take half an hour instead of two and a half. Marry Berry would probably tutt me, I know. But everything else I did on my own, even whipped my own cream, well, with my electric mixer, so it wasn't that hard. But the UK hasn't discovered Cool Whip yet, so I didn't really have any other option. I cut out the cherry brandy, because I didn't have any at home (who keeps that in their liquor cabinet?) and it was expensive. I subbed in a tipple of rum mixed into the cherry syrup instead. The chocolate shavings where time consuming and messy, there must be a trick to it that I don't know about. Altogether it took me about 45 minutes to assemble, and it tastes like heaven.
Dianthus, 'Passion' Carnation
  My husband is responsible for the second half of my V-Day blogging. He came home from work bearing not flowers, or chocolates, or stuffed cuddly bears, but a pot plant from the garden centre! Now if you know Tom, you know that he despises garden centres, it's like pulling teeth to get him to drive me to pick up my planters and compost, I have to bribe him with the promise of a chilli plant or something. So not only was this a huge surprise, but his explanation was "I got this instead of flowers because they would have died in a week and this will last for a few years so I thought this would be better." And he was right, it's a Carnation, and it's perennial, so it will probably carry on growing forever, unless I kill it, which is a strong likelihood given my gardening experience. He even made an effort to find one with the fewest open buds, so that I could enjoy them all fresh and new. I thought what a wonderful idea! Why don't more men think to buy potted plants instead of flowers? Now every time I look at that Carnation in the garden I'll remember our first Valentines Day as a married couple. Also it cost him less than roses. Now I just have to plant it, looks like another trip to the dreaded garden centre for Tom!

1 comment:

  1. Garrison gave me potted tulips and they died because i don't get any sunlight in my window. It still makes me really upset :(
