Wednesday 31 July 2013

Pick Your Own

Last week (on Thursday to be precise) I visited West Green Fruits, this is a pick-your-own (PYO) in Hartely Wintney (North Hants) near where my in-laws live (I've been helping them move house, so I was down there for a week or so). Anyway, West Green is owned and operated by the parents of a friend of mine and so a bunch of us converged on the PYO on Thursday.
This was my first visit to West Green, and I was really impressed. It's HUGE! And the selection of fruits available was phenomenal. I don't have any pictures, I was too busy picking to snap any, but check out their Facebook Page for pics, updates and loads more! I took David, my father-in-law, along with me and together we managed to pick a punnet of Tayberries, another punnet of a mixed variety of hybrid berries (crosses between raspberries and blackberries) and a punnet of strawberries. I ate a fair few as I picked, they were all so tasty. In fact the whole place smelled of ripe strawberries, and let me tell you, they tasted of heaven. 
I also helped some friends pick raspberries and we went through the grass and barley mazes with our smaller friends Josh and Charlie. Prices were really good, around £4.80 a kilo (my two punnets cost me around £8.50) and the fruit quality was top notch.
So if you live in the Hampshire/Berkshire/Surrey area and are looking for some brill fruit, check out West Green Fruits!
I've also turned my strawberries and Tayberries into jam (along with some gooseberries that I got from my in-laws back garden) so posts to come all about that!

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